банковской системы и обеспечение бесперебойной работы сети
бесперебойной работы
межбанковской электронной платежной системы Центрального банка Республики Узбекистан
услуг финансовому сектору Республики Узбекистан
Основные задачи ГЦИ
Development and implementation of software packages for electronic payment systems
Ensuring the operation of electronic payment systems
Providing with email service
Design, development and operation of banking data transmission networks
Ensuring the functioning of the national database of bank depositors
Ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the central bank's single balance software and hardware complex
Develop a database of the banking system and ensure its uninterrupted operation
Ensuring the development and uninterrupted operation of information systems of the National Institute of Credit Information and Uzbekistan State owned unitary entity
Maintenance of the software and hardware complex of currency exchange offices
Maintain a centralized electronic archive of electronic payment systems
Development and implementation of application software systems
Maintenance, repair and restoration of computer, communication and office equipment
New appThe Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Online доступ к общедоступным информационным ресурсам ЦБ РУз в сети Интернет, с возможностью просматривать и получать обновленную информацию, в том числе сведения о курсах валют.